Facilities/Science Lab

Science Lab: Subhash Public School has well-equipped science labs for Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. The labs are designed to provide students with hands-on experience in conducting experiments and learning scientific principles.

The science labs are equipped with the latest instruments and apparatus, including microscopes, telescopes, electronic balances, and other measuring instruments. The school has a team of experienced science teachers who guide the students in conducting experiments safely and effectively. The science labs are an integral part of the school's curriculum and are used for both theoretical and practical classes.

In the theoretical classes, students learn about the fundamental concepts of science and the principles behind different scientific phenomena. In practical classes, they get hands-on experience in conducting experiments, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. Apart from the regular science classes, the science labs are also available for students to use during their free time. Students can use the labs to work on their science projects, conduct research, and explore scientific principles.

Overall, the science labs at Subhash Public School are an excellent resource for students to learn about science and develop their analytical and problem-solving skills. The school is committed to providing a comprehensive science education that prepares students for the challenges of the future.