Facilities/Smart Classes

Smart Classes:

Interactive Whiteboards: The school has installed interactive whiteboards in every classroom to make learning more engaging and interactive. These boards can display visual aids, images, and videos, allowing teachers to explain concepts more effectively.

Digital Content: The Smart Class Facilities at Subhash Public School also include a vast repository of digital content that covers all subjects and topics. The digital content includes animations, simulations, diagrams, and videos that help students understand complex concepts.

E-Books: To reduce the load of heavy textbooks, the school has introduced e-books that students can access through their tablets or laptops. These e-books cover all the subjects and topics and are regularly updated to include the latest information.

Audio-Visual Aids: The school has a wide range of audio-visual aids, including projectors, speakers, and microphones, that help teachers deliver lectures more effectively. These aids also help in organizing seminars, workshops, and presentations.

Online Learning Platforms: To facilitate remote learning, the school has introduced online learning platforms that allow students to access course materials, assignments, and assessments from anywhere. These platforms also facilitate communication between teachers and students, making it easier to clarify doubts.

By providing these Smart Class Facilities, Subhash Public School is creating a more engaging and interactive learning environment for its students. Adding information about these facilities to the school website will help parents and students understand the technological advancements that the school has introduced to enhance the learning experience.